Our Services

  • Prevention Work in Our Communities

    Our goal is to put comprehensive programs and strategies into place that will reduce the violence rates. We need people that will help build the 12 Sectors in order to have a positive effect in our community. Together we can give parents and our youth the tools they need to be a part of the change they need in their home and the community. Together we create and sustain a community that promotes healthy youth development. Coalitions like GGYC will reduce violence rates in their communities. 

  • Comprehensive Family Resources

    Provide families with access to services that connect them to resources they need for mental health, education, career preparation, recreation, life skills and safety.

    Develop a variety of specific education, training, and employment programs for targeted youth.

    Provide Black, Brown, and Indigenous youth and mothers with access to fun and engaging activities that connect them to the resources they need for mental health, education, career preparation, recreation, life and safety.

  • Intervention

    Goal: Provide access to gang members, close associates, and delinquents to a system of care to address mental health, substance abuse, and other life domain needs.

    Provide gang involved youth and their families with an array of services that will assist them in adopting pro-social values and access to organizations that will meet their social, educational, and vocational needs including health, housing and income needs.

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Community Violence Prevention Coalition